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Lorna Byrne Finland

Events 2024

Do you want to add confidence and hope to your life? How about strengthening the connection with your guardian angel? In Lorna’s company, your spiritual side of being is tuned up and strengthened.

Lorna is a warm person who loves all people, even those she doesn’t know. Come and experience a bright moment in the company of Lorna and the angels.

Lorna Byrne

From her early years, Lorna Byrne recognized an extraordinary ability within herself: the capacity to perceive angels and beings of light. These benevolent carriers of love and illumination have been constant companions, guiding Lorna through life and imparting spiritual wisdom.

Seen as different by those around her, Lorna learned the value of keeping her knowledge concealed from others. Similarly, grappling with severe dyslexia while growing up in 1960s Ireland, she faced poverty, exclusion, and personal hardships. Throughout her struggles, angels stood by her, offering unwavering support and encouragement.

Gradually, Lorna embraced her gift, using it to benefit others. Today, she stands as an internationally acclaimed author and spiritual teacher, sharing her insights globally. Lorna emphasizes that each individual possesses untapped spiritual potential, encouraging everyone to bravely connect with their angels and divine wisdom.


Contents of the Events

The world events and difficulties we go through can sometimes make us doubt our faith in goodness and courage. But especially in challenging moments, it is crucial to remind ourselves that we are not alone. Our personal guardian angel is with us all the time, and the heavenly power of prayers is very strong. These strengthen our hope and compassion, helping us create a loving life. Spiritual teacher Lorna Byrne knows firsthand what it means to not lose hope. Growing up in Ireland in the 1960s, she experienced poverty, exclusion, and personal suffering, but the angels repeatedly encouraged her to see life in a positive light. To this day, Lorna has faithfully followed the guidance of God and angels for the benefit of others.

At the events, Lorna supports us in connecting with the light within us. Together, we listen and open ourselves to feel the presence of angels and establish a connection with our own spiritual selves. You’ll have time to pause and rediscover the light of hope, enabling you to look into the future with courage and confidence.

The content of the events is unique because it arises from the interaction of angels, the audience, and Lorna. Lorna shares messages from angels with the audience and highlights things that are important for that moment. We often engage in small exercises and meditate with Lorna’s guidance. There is also time for audience questions. At the end of the sessions, everyone has a personal opportunity to receive Lorna’s blessing.

At the events...

Event tickets

Ticket sales take place on the service. The tickets below will be directed to the service

5D3_3055 kopio
Lorna Byrne - Message of Hope from Angels Mini Workshop


Program includes meditation, exercises, Lorna's speech, and blessing

13.03. 2024
17:30 - 21:30
5D3_3368 kopio
Lorna byrne - Night of Hope



Program includes meditation, questions, Lorna's speech, and blessing

Valkeakosken liikuntahalli
15.03. 2024
18:00 - 21:00
5D3_2837 kopio
Lorna Byrne - A Day with Lorna and the Angels


Unique content about the interaction of angels, the audience, and Lorna

Hotelli Waltikka
16.03. 2024
12:00- 19:00

You can buy access to both events in Valkeakoski with one combo ticket

Lorna Helsinki by Tiina Heikkinen 099 kopio
Combo ticket Valkeakoski


With this ticket, you get access to both events in Valkeakoski, as well as a discount at Hotel Waltikka

15.3 Night of Hope
16.3 A Day with Lorna and The Angels

Read more detailed information about events on the Events page:


No, these events are only held on-site and are not broadcasted online

No, no prior knowledge is required. These events are intended for people who are already familiar with Lorna and her angel messages, as well as for those to whom the topic is entirely new

Yes, there will be consecutive translation into Finnish during the events. Lorna will speak a few sentences, and then the translator will convey the content in Finnish. As the translation is consecutive, the voices are not overlapping, as in simultaneous interpretation

Yes, answering your questions and providing support, guidance, and inspiration is always close to Lorna’s heart

Yes, Lorna concludes the events in her renowned manner by blessing everyone who wishes to receive it.

Here are the eight books:

  • Angels in My Hair
  • Stairways to Heaven
  • A Message of Hope from the Angels
  • Love from Heaven
  • Angels at My Fingertips
  • Prayers from the Heart
  • My Guardian Angel, My Best Friend
  • The Year with Angels


" Lorna has been an incredibly significant driving force in my spiritual journey. I have experienced a lot since childhood, but Lorna's books have been downright mind-blowing. I've read them all many times 🙂 They are the most beautiful angel books in the world, ones you could read endlessly. I was at Lorna's event when you last organized it in Helsinki. It was a turning point for me "
“ I cried several times on Saturday and Sunday. The presence in the events was so touching ”
" I met Lorna personally once a few years ago, and that moment stuck with me. The atmosphere was warm and heartfelt, while chills ran down my spine, and I felt like crying all the time. Yet, it wasn't about sadness, but something entirely different =). The angels were present in great numbers throughout. Lorna is incredibly lovely, kind, heartfelt, and warm <3 I am grateful for the encounter <3 "

Contacts to Catarina Degerman: catarina@freeflowfactory.con

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"Love is the greatest power in the universe"
-Lorna Byrne
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Tickets will be available 17.11 at 9:00

Buy Now -button will be linked to ticket selling website once the tickets have been released